I wanna be haunted by the ghost
The kids have left and I am never playing Uno again. They don’t actually make much noise, but the apartment feels very quiet without them. We escorted them off the premises yesterday, which involved a trip down the hill to Annecy and a wee wander by the lake before the heat defeated us and we escaped back to the mountains, where there are civilised things like breezes.
Didn’t have nothing to do that day
The heatwave lurches on in the alps, making dark, cold February days in the UK seem like a distant, yet somehow appealing, memory. The very thought of being cold enough to warrant anything but the bare minimum of clothing seems laughable, but let’s revisit this in a few weeks’ time when I’m home.
After a hard morning’s work, we treated ourselves to lunch at Madame’s. She clearly decided that today is worthy of celebration and surprised us with a génépi with the bill.
This is something that I generally only drink during the hours of darkness, after a significant amount of wine and never, ever at lunchtime. It’s the local firewater and no good ever comes of it. Last time I drank it, it led to the discovery of Get 27 – and I can assure you, the less said about that the better. But who doesn’t love a bit of afternoon decadence? And a free drink? And now I can’t be bothered to do any work and I’m lying on the balcony watching the paragliders drift around with the golden eagles. Blame Madame.
Génépi induced driftiness only goes so far, though. It certainly doesn’t throw any kind of filmy gauze over the ongoing asshattery that is UK politics, which I’m mainly watching from behind a Let It Snow cushion, for safety. I spent a fair bit of my yomp up the hill this morning preparing a reasoned, intelligent and persuasive discourse…but it’s just too hot and I can no longer be bothered. Suffice it to say that three of the finest brains I know have degrees in English, Philosophy and Linguistics respectively. Astoundingly, in spite of these crushing deficiencies, they’ve also managed to become three of the most successful people I know, too. So stick that in yer wife’s offshore bond, Mr Sunak.
Aaaaaand I think that’s quite enough from me for one day. Excitingly, we have friends coming out for the weekend, so brace yourselves for Financial Services Does Mountains. And absolutely no génépi. Not on my watch.